• Walk-In Pantry Design Ideas


    When people think about kitchen upgrades, they rarely consider their pantry. But a pantry can be a fantastic solution to keeping a kitchen organized and clutter-free, especially if you use an open floor plan.

    Moreso, a practical pantry can also benefit a home in other ways. It can help you keep track of the food items in stock, reduce waste and improve general sustainability. Additionally, it increases the overall efficiency of the kitchen when you can pop in, scan the room, and pick what you need.

    Stick around to discover some of the best walk-in pantry design ideas to ensure you get the most out of your space.

    Make enough room

    The kitchen is one of the most crucial spaces tenants check when considering renting your property. So if you’re considering including a walk-in pantry to seal the deal, then it would be best if it was precisely that. Some property owners intend to extend their kitchen with extra space but end up carving out another cupboard that doesn’t do much. If you have the opportunity to build your pantry from scratch, then consider making it as large as you possibly can to contain more things. Remember that you don’t have to use the conventional square space of most rooms. You can adopt other styles, such as a straight line or an L-shape.

    Use functional materials

    Apart from the building cost, you have to consider other expenses when creating a pantry. Not only is it enough to have a walk-in pantry, but you also have to make it pleasant. That said, you’ll need to factor the cost of finishing and furnishing into your budget.

    If you’re more on the buoyant side, you should try using the same materials as the central kitchen. The homonym adds more elegance to the space. However, if you need a more economy-friendly solution, you can opt for cheaper look-alike materials. For instance, if you have granite countertops in your kitchen, you can get a similar laminate benchtop for the pantry.

    Plenty of storage 

    Our next point ties closely with the first one about making a decently-sized pantry. That said, you won’t get much functionality out of a space without storage options. It would be best to get in as many shelves as you possibly can, and even better if they’re ceiling-to-floor shelving. Many successful pantries use a mix of open and closed shelving to make the space appear less cluttered. To that end, you can use open shelves at the top and install drawers or cabinets at the bottom. You can also expand your storage by buying a couple of easy-to-assemble pantry organizers to make your space more functional. 

    Utilize your vertical spaces

    One of the benefits of having a walk-in pantry is having everything at arm’s reach. However, when you have a lot of stuff, it can quickly become disorganized when too many items are in a drawer or cupboard. Reduce the congestion by utilizing your vertical spaces. Instead of leaving your walls bare, incorporate more shelves and vertical racks that make it easier to identify and store things. For example, you could get an over-the-door rack and carve out more space for your spices, condiments, and other items.

    Pay attention to your lighting

    Since pantries are usually an extension of the kitchen, they rarely have a window providing natural light. Even when they do, once the sun goes down, they become poorly lit, and that’s if the tiny window ever lets in enough light. So make storing and retrieving items from your pantry a breeze by installing proper lighting.

    Depending on the size of the space, one or two LED bulbs should be enough for the job. However, if you want to step it up a bit, you can go for surveillance lights with motion detectors—that way, your tenants never have to bother looking for a switch when something is on fire.

    Integrate other handy features

    A pantry can be much more than a simple storage space; it can also be a multifunctional room as essential as your kitchen. A couple of ways to make your pantry more versatile are to include power outlets. Why bring out a waffle maker you rarely use when you can make use of it in the store and return it to its place. If you have more space, you can even include another dishwasher. Tenants that host many dinner parties will appreciate the increase in their washing capacity.


    We hope these six wall-in pantry design ideas have inspired you to build a space that works for you and attracts high-quality tenants. With such a small space, you must plan carefully to maximize its efficiency. Start mapping out what you want, and consult an expert if you have to.

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